NDT & NDI Inspection
NDT & NDI inspection
NDT & NDI Inspection
Non-destructive testing is a crucial part of quality control when it comes to the safety and stability of large infrastructure. It evaluates the material and ensures that it matches the preset standards and specifications.
You should conduct an NDI inspection or an NDT inspection of your underwater structures from time to time to ensure their safety, especially before undertaking key operations.

NDT & NDI inspection
What is NDT inspection?
An NDT inspection is an analysis technique that evaluates a material on the basis of properties, components, structure or system to determine if it meets the preset standards of safety and quality.
There are many ways to perform an NDT, the most efficient of them is considered phased array ultrasonic testing. It uses ultrasonic testing probes to determine the health of a structure.
Other methods include acoustic emission testing, laser testing methods, electromagnetic testing, visual testing, leak testing, magnetic flux leakage, etc.
All methods range in price, time and efficiency. You should discuss with your service provider to find the most suitable inspection method for the structure you wish to test.
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NDT & NDI inspection
Nondestructive Testing
NDT inspection and NDI inspection provide an excellent way to inspect structures such as underwater bridges and jetties without picking them apart in any way. You don’t have to alter the systems and still get an accurate and comprehensive analysis of it.
Other advantages of non-destructive testing include:
- It takes comparatively less time. In fact, some methods can test the structure while it is in operation.
- It produces less waste as you don’t have to alter the network or system.
- Its noninvasive nature prevents accidents that in turn helps in reducing costs and time.
- It helps identify faults in their initial stages, saving you larger costs of repair.
- Non-destructive testing offers comprehensive testing of each and every part of a vessel. A thorough test gives you a more accurate report of its health.
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing
As mentioned above, ultrasonic testing is one of the most efficient non-destructive testing methods. Ultrasonic thickness testing inspects the thickness of the hulls, piping, pressure vessels and structural steel of a piece of construction.
Measuring the thickness of various parts of a structure helps control damage, corrosion, and erosion. With the results of the ultrasonic thickness testing, you can gauge the repair needed for each part.
To perform the testing, the ultrasonic thickness gauge measures the time it takes for a sound pulse to travel through the test piece. It should reflect from the inside of the surface or the far wall.
You get instant results in the test as the calculation is displayed instantly on the digital screen. If the gauge detects a problem, it can be investigated further and repaired as well.
CSWIP Welding Inspector
Certification Scheme for Welding Inspection Personnel (CSWIP) provides certification for role-specific competence in many fields including marine engineering. You can get your underwater structures a CSWIP certification to ensure their efficiency.
A CSWIP welding inspector would inspect the structure. They will run inspections of welds, macro sections and other mechanical tests. Once they confirm that the material meets the requirements set by the CSWIP, they will submit the report back to their office.
They will also suggest repairs and maintenance tasks to help you with the upkeep of the structures. You will get your certification when the board approves of it based on the welding inspector’s report.

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Why choose ABCO?

NDT & NDI inspection
Nondestructive Testing with ABCO
Periodic nondestructive testing is crucial to the safety and performance of your operative structures. It helps you determine the safety standards as well as identify potential faults to enhance performance.
ABCO provides NDT inspection and NDI inspection that are comprehensive, detailed, and thorough, yet easy on the pocket. Contact ABCO and ensure the safety of your vessels today.